International Book Markets 2024: Strong fiction and rising prices counter declining non-fiction sales

GfK Entertainment and NielsenIQ BookData have released their international report for 2024 at the London Book Fair. The data reveals increasing fiction revenues, while non-fiction book sales have been declining in many regions. Romance novels and fantasy titles performed particularly well.

Strong-selling novels and continuously rising prices have partially offset the weaker performance of the non-fiction segment. This is one of the key findings from the international book markets report by GfK Entertainment and NielsenIQ BookData for 2024. As the representative data show, 16 out of 18 territories analyzed reported significant revenue growth in fiction. India (+30.7%), Mexico (+20.7%), Brazil (+16.4%), Spain (+12.0%), and Portugal (+11.4%) even saw double-digit increases.

By contrast, non-fiction books experienced growth in only six regions and, even there, mostly at a comparatively lower level. Children's and young adult books also had a mixed year, though they managed to achieve revenue gains in nine territories.

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